ABC Games for Kids | iKnowABC
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Learning through play or a game is a fun and exciting way to teach children ages 2 to 6 years old. Teaching children their ABCs is an important stepping stone when teaching kids to read. Whether you are a teacher or a parent, it is important to remember that children are curious and want to learn. Great results happen when children learn through play, especially with ABC games for kids.

We know that young kids, and particularly those learners who are struggling, need to be highly engaged in order to successfully complete learning levels and progress to the next phase of learning. That’s why teaching ABCs as a game using proven research methods and core standards, using technology effectively and efficiently with a cross-curricular, multi-modality methodology.

iKnowABC’s ABC Games for Kids

Our modern method approach to an ABC game for kids embodies the notion that when you teach a child a fact – he may remember it, and when you show a child an example – she can describe it, but when you tell young children a captivating story, set to music, the story and songs become a part of who they are, shape who they become, and stay with them for life.

Our new way of teaching kids to read through an ABC game embraces the idea that when you ask children to help, challenge them with a goal, and the opportunity to be part of something bigger than themselves, children will rise to the occasion and do their best, every time. That’s why our products give children the edge and are designed to instill the value of doing their best at a young age. This is a life changer!

iknow ABC games for kidsGo with me for a moment into an NYC kindergarten classroom where a young girl is using an iPad to read and interact with a legend told in rhyme in The Legend of the SunMoona Pride. In San Diego... a young boy learns his ABCs while he plays a game in search of secret letters in the Rain Forest. Do you see the rain? Can you hear the music? In Spain... kids use a Chromebook to learn ABCs and English-language acquisition and global citizenship by playing a game in Africa: Rhythm of Life. Can you hear the lions roar? Do you feel the drumbeat... boom boom ... boom boom ... In a classroom on the Serengeti young children are using solar powered tablets to discover distant places around the world as they play a game to learn science and uncover secret letters in Animals Around the World. Listen to the wind. Feel the Sun. See the sights and hear the global sounds. And finally in Brazil... young kids in a classroom activate all letters in the animal alphabet ABC game so the SunMoona Pride can reunite. Kids love iKnowABC because it is a fun ABC game designed especially for kids the way they learn best.

Revolutionizing The Way Children Learn Their ABCs

Children apply what they learn in our ABC game and they realize that when they do their best, and by working together, their contribution will make a difference.

A new age is emerging and the power of blended learning and ABC games for kids are fueling the revolution for extraordinary gains in education through play, imagination, storytelling, and technology.

iKnowABC is a revolutionary digital platform that puts the power of learning ABCs and reading readiness, English-language acquisition, literacy, science, environmental awareness, and global citizenship directly into a child’s hands in the form of an ABC adventure game.

Cindy Coleman, M.Ed, co-founder of Take Pride Learning®, is a teacher turned entrepreneur. She imagined the idea for an ABC game for kids called iKnowABC at her sister’s kitchen table while playing phonics games she made up for her nephews about animals from around the world. They called it “the animal-alphabet game”. They played this game for hours when she turned to her family and said, “I have an idea!”

Learn more about Take Pride Learning® and iKnowABC today. Help your child learn their ABCs and take home the success of an award winning classroom education – start your adventure today!

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