Create consistency this year at home or in the classroom with iKnow ABC and Zoom. | iKnowABC
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I created this early education story-driven, hybrid beginning reading, science and technology program before COVID-19 but I designed it for the future. However COVID-19 exposed the chinks in the system even though now we have amazing capabilities when we optimize technology. Take Zoom for example… The technology has evolved where we can work, learn, socialize and connect with people all over the world with a device, internet connection and Zoom. Zoom also has an amazing Team and that’s why Zoom is zooming. Pat is an extraordinary educator and technology man. You know he’s got your back and you know Zoom will deliver when you need it to. People harnessing the power of technology to unite and teach, That’s what makes it work.

The Digital Divide

So let’s think about schools… We have to bridge the gap in digital divide and provide the finest education for all students. We must also support our teachers and provide them with engaging, inspirational and multi-modality content that effectively and efficiently uses technology to teach and connect. It’s the methodology behind the technology.


Consistency and Equality

We have the ability to create consistency and equality in our education system by using technology wisely and implementing engaging content to teach children in school and at home. When technology is developed correctly like Zoom and iKnow ABC, it allows educators to reach and teach students, families and communities beyond the walls of the classroom. Consistency and high levels of engagement allow students to learn in a way that is more meaningful to them because they are in control. For an example of consistency during year two of the iKnow ABC pilot program at an inner-city in Las Vegas. Five year old children went on an adventure of a lifetime in search of animals and their secret letters. The test scores soared. And for the entire school year there was one glitch in our system where one activity ‘elephant’ picture didn’t appear. So the teacher was able to navigate this situation effortlessly and easily because of her professional development training that my Team provided and taught at the beginning of the school year. It was fixed in 45 minutes. So honestly it boggles my mind when I heard an interview with a mayor in large metropolitan cities, whom I love; I think this mayor is awesome. Anyway, she said out of her three children she could only login to one account on the first day of school. I am a small but mighty business owner teacher first then entrepreneur and iKnow ABC works every time. Consistency is important. It creates confidence that we as educators can shift the paradigm successfully to achieve goals and surpass standards.

In a Perfect World

So imagine with me… Imagine your students are excelling in phonemic awareness and alphabet principles. Imagine five-year-olds are not only learning beginning reading skills and science but also technology literacy. Our kids become technology literate. And I don’t mean playing games, they understand how the technology works and how to use it. For example iKnow has a portfolio assessment option where the kids take photographs throughout the year and videos of one another and the teachers do as well. We compile a digital portfolio that uses multimedia to show their progression throughout the school year. Zoom technology allows you to record sessions and get transcripts. We are using these features in ways that allow for incredible insight into language development and social and emotional growth.

Teaching + Learning In the Classroom and At Home

iKnow ABC uses Smartboard guides in the classroom and Zoom screen guides for instruction at home for a guided teaching and learning experience. Teachers and parents have access to STEAM project-based learning opportunities. Instructions are available in digital pictorials for the students to follow and printed laminated pictorials and digital pictorials in the classroom environment. The digital passport keeps track of students’ progress whether they’re learning at home or in school. With iKnow ABC and Zoom our youngest citizens can be at home and work together to develop social skills and emotional growth. Digital assessment results are emailed to both parents and teachers. We also use Zoom to bring guests into the classroom and home environments like animal experts, scientists from WWF, world-class musicians, children’s book authors, breath and movement sessions with instructors so students can move and breathe with the animals through our unique custom designed animal poses. iKnow ABC is the solution.


Ready. Set. Go.

I’ve been working on iKnow ABC for years. Those of you who know me, know I would never sell or donate content I created with my team unless it was ready. Well have you ever heard the expression ”It takes 10 years to become an overnight success.” Well it’s true! iKnow ABC is 10 years in the making and it’s finally ready! We’re ready to change the world for the better and improve lives through education. Let’s get started.

COVID-19 has exposed the existing problems in real time. It would be wonderful if we, the educators, use this time wisely to rethink the content, the curriculum that we use to teach our kids during COVID-19 and beyond. We have the opportunity to make the US education system the best in the world again and cultivate the brightest leaders of tomorrow. We have the technology and with companies like Zoom the possibilities are endless, without limits with iKnow ABC.


Grant Opportunity

If you are interested in the possibility to modernize early childhood education in your school or district in California then I have the opportunity for you to participate in an implementation grant. It’s an exciting time and we can do great things together. I would love the opportunity to show you an interactive live presentation using Zoom to demonstrate how to have consistency during Covid and beyond whether students are learning in the classroom and at home.

Check out theiKnow ABC Schools page, click on the red START THE ADVENTURE button and fill out the form if you’re interested in working together.

Be well and learn.

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