iKnow Featured on ” The Sprouting Minds” | iKnowABC
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“The last holiday gift idea that I have is iKnowABC. iKnowABC is an online adventure that allows you to make memories with your child while they are learning. There are 3 different aspects of iKnowABC: Home Adventure, Digital Library, and School Adventure.

Home Adventure is great for engaging with your child while they are learning how to read. It allows you to access daily plans, activities, healthy snack ideas and so much more!

The Digital Library allows your child to keep up with eBooks, videos, songs, printables, and games that he/she loves within iKnowABC all in one place!

School Adventure is all about children learning on their own through play. Your child will take an epic journey around the world in search of secret letters. It is self-paced and makes learning to read a playtime adventure! My youngest LOVES iKnowABC. Her favorite phrase while we are on iKnowABC is ‘I do, I do!’”

Thank you for the wonderful featured, Sprouting Minds!! For more on this article, visit their blog: https://www.thesproutingminds.com/holiday-gift-guide-top-5-gift-ideas-for-kids/